Level: 43 Weapon: Moonstone Staff Armour: Inferno Robe You are attacked by the Guardian of Shock Magic! The Guardian of Shock Magic advances toward you, sparks of electricity arcing from one hand to the other! Your attack misses the Guardian of Shock Magic! The Guardian of Shock Magic stuns you for 4 turns! You are stunned, and do nothing! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You are stunned, and do nothing! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You are stunned, and do nothing! The Guardian of Shock Magic blasts you for 34 damage! You are stunned, and do nothing! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 44 damage! Your attack causes a Shockwave, but the Guardian of Shock Magic resists it completely! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 5 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 41 damage! Your attack tries to reduce the Guardian of Shock Magic's defensive ability, but the Guardian of Shock Magic resists! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 4 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 38 damage! Your attack tries to reduce the Guardian of Shock Magic's defensive ability, but the Guardian of Shock Magic resists! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 6 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 33 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 4 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! The Guardian of Shock Magic blasts you for 26 damage! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 44 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 7 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 33 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 6 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! The Guardian of Shock Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 34 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 5 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! The Guardian of Shock Magic blasts you for 33 damage! You blast the Guardian of Shock Magic for 45 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 4 damage to the Guardian of Shock Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! You regenerate 1 health. Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! You defeated the Guardian of Shock Magic! The Guardian of Shock Magic begins emitting bolts of electricity in all directions, vibrating furiously. Scorch marks appear on the walls where the bolts strike them; you barely dodge behind a pillar as the Guardian explodes in a shower of sparks, electrifying the air -- you feel your hair rise from the static charge, which slowly dissipates. Looking around, you see that where the Guardian stood, there lies now an amber-coloured staff. The Guardian of Shock Magic was carrying Thunderstar Staff! You gain 500 experience points for defeating this creature! You are awarded a bonus of 500 NEOPOINTS for defeating the Guardian of Shock Magic!