Level: 43 Weapon: Moonstone Staff Armour: Inferno Robe You are attacked by the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic turns to face you, flames roiling off its skin as it raises its arms and prepares to strike! You attack the Guardian of Fire Magic, but miss! The Guardian of Fire Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 53 damage! Your attack reduces the Guardian of Fire Magic's defensive ability! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 5 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 25 damage! Your attack reduces the Guardian of Fire Magic's defensive ability! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 3 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic blasts you with fire, but you resist! You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 49 damage! Your attack stuns the Guardian of Fire Magic for 1 round! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 9 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic does nothing. You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 33 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 7 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic attacks you, but misses! You attack the Guardian of Fire Magic, but miss! The Guardian of Fire Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 40 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 5 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 37 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 9 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 37 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 4 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic blasts you for 21 fire damage! You attack the Guardian of Fire Magic, but miss! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! You regenerate 1 health. The Guardian of Fire Magic blasts you for 14 damage! You attack the Guardian of Fire Magic, but miss! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! The Guardian of Fire Magic attacks you, but misses! You blast the Guardian of Fire Magic for 36 damage! Your Inferno Robe focuses your blast, doing an extra 7 damage to the Guardian of Fire Magic! Your Moonstone Staff heals you for 4 health! Of the damage you did, you lifesteal 1 health to heal yourself with! You defeated the Guardian of Fire Magic! The Guardian of Fire Magic begins to change colour, from red, to orange, and yellow, getting hotter and hotter with each change. Suddenly the Guardian explodes upward into an enormous pillar of flame, shooting into the sky. Your hair is singed as you are hurled backward by the explosion, tumbling through the sand and fetching up against a large rock embedded in the ground. A few moments later, the pillar vanishes, replaced by a cloud of thick, drifting smoke. You make your way back over to where the Guardian was, and see a flame-coloured staff lying on the ground. The Guardian of Fire Magic was carrying Firedrop Staff! You gain 500 experience points for defeating this creature! You are awarded a bonus of 500 NEOPOINTS for defeating the Guardian of Fire Magic!