Level: 45 Weapon: Moonstone Staff Armour: Inferno Robe You are attacked by Faleinn! Faleinn shrieks a wordless howl at you and attacks! You showed the Keladrian Medallion to Faleinn, and she was instantly defeated! You defeated Faleinn! Faleinn whines with anger, fear, and hatred, as she falls to the ground, apparently dead. Suddenly you hear shrieks coming from all around you, and you spin around to see hundreds of the undead citizens of Kal Panning keel over, their spirits departing their bodies. All around you, there is a rushing of wind, and a soft glow begins to emit from Faleinn's body; and suddenly Faleinn reappears, a translucent specter of her former self, floating in the air above her corpse. You also notice that the decay and despair which enveloped the city has lifted like a fog. Faleinn was carrying the key to the Two Rings! You gain 1500 experience points for defeating this creature! You are awarded a bonus of 1500 NEOPOINTS for defeating Faleinn!